Many people place great importance on a smooth and easy everyday life. When things run smoothly every day, you have time for yourself, your hobbies and your family. Quite often, it is the smallest action or item in a home that is the most important and valuable. The most inconspicuous thing that blends in seamlessly in every home and for every purpose. It is the warmth that emits from a heated towel rail.
REJ Design’s heated towel rails have been blending in with the interior design styles and trends of different eras for more than 70 years now. They can be found in homes that represent retro, rustic, functional as well as modern and Scandinavian design. Nowadays, a towel dryer is an essential feature of any modern bathroom, and a thoughtfully designed heated towel rail is a functional and elegant part of a home’s decor.
Read moreA cool, dew-kissed morning, calm lake surface and a warm bath towel draped over your shoulders – the picture of a perfect summer morning. Add a reliable, streamlined heated towel rail and you can enjoy such mornings at the summer cottage every day of the year.
Read moreFor many families, the week is scheduled practically down to the minute according to everyone’s activities. In a busy and fast-paced daily life, it is important that your home functions smoothly. In order for clothes and sports equipment to be ready to use when you need them, it helps to get them dry quickly and with good ventilation.
Read moreREJ Designin kotimaiset ja kestävät kuivaimet ovat kiinteä osa nykyajan kotia. Asiakkaamme ovat yhdistäneet kuivaimet toimivaksi osaksi lemmikkitaloutta, lapsiperhettä, harrastuksia ja siivousta. Pyyhekuivain kylpyhuoneessa on tuonut asiakkaille ripauksen juhlaa arjen keskelle.
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